The Indigenous Women Network on Biodiversity – Latin America and the Caribbean (RMIB – LAC in Spanish) will held a Side Event at COP16, in Cali Colombia, on indigenous women participation in resource mobilization.
The event will take place on 24 October at 3 PM in the Room Nuquí, located in the Blue Zone, in Plaza One, and it is jontly organized with Land is Life, the Gobernación of Nariño and GIZ. Edith Bastidas and Yolanda Terán, both representatives of the RMIB-LAC, will participate as moderator and panelist. Simultaneous interpretation in English and Spanish will be available.
Save the date and join the RMIB – LAC:
Raising voices, securing futures: Participation of Indigenous Peoples and women in resource mobilization for biodiversity
Date: 24 October
Time 3:00 PM
Venue: Room Nuquí – Academy and Research Hall, Plaza One.
Interpretation: ESP- ENG